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The Justice Project of South Florida incorporated is a small 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that operates on the generosity of donors and sponsorships. JPSFL received its tax-exempt status on November 3, 2020, and has become the convening entity on ways to strengthen positive relations and trust between police officers, military personnel and youth populations and the community from a grassroots perspective.  We are hopeful from the result of our research and programming is changing the perception, attitudes, and behavior between law enforcement agencies and the community-at-large. In a unique way we teach young people that the restorative justice approach allows for clear communication, deeper connection, contribution, and collaboration in strengthening positive relations and trust between individuals, groups, and organizations. The JPSFL will continue supporting RJ research and building networks to help scale community-based prevention and relief efforts.

Make a One-time or Recurring Gift Today. In the near future, we expect significant increases in the number of youth, adults, and community groups needing programs, services, and relief assistance. To meet these needs, we need your help.!

For access to more  content and excusive free gifts from our "Donors' Catalog" you must create a profile. 

JPSFL aims to utilize restorative justice methods and practices to strengthen relations amongst community stakeholders in the areas of our "Four Pacts For Justice". 

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